The older elementary kids at the March Sessions of the Yearly Meeting designed the layout, title and description of this blog so that their peacework can be shared. Monthly Meetings, First Day Schools and Peace & Social Concerns Committees are invited to join in the work of the children and post their activities here! Friends can download the booklet of the children's ideas from the PYM education website (click on the link to the handbook under "Special Events"). To post your activities, complete the Committee REport Form (see the website or the post labeled "report form") and email to

Report: Trash Collectors

~Committee Name: Trash Collectors
~Monthly Meeting Name: March Sessions of the Yearly Meeting
~Number of participants: 12
~Amount of money spent on materials for this committee: $0

This is what we did to create peace: We picked up trash around Arch Street Meetinghouse’s grounds.

We feel: We feel like doing this again. We feel more connected to this community. It was fun and we made the world around the Meetinghouse more beautiful. It made us glad to do something so that someone else did not have to do it. We felt appreciated by the neighbors. The walking and the talking produced one more peaceful link.

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